From: Kara Maria Ananda <>
Subject: Are You Ready for the Total Lunar Eclipse?

This Friday the 27th is the Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse.

It's also the longest total lunar eclipse of the century lasting for nearly four hours.

We are already in the midst of eclipse season since the partial solar eclipse on the New Moon, and there's another solar eclipse happening in August. 

This week's extraordinary Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is the central point to the eclipse season portal that we are moving through now. 

Currently five planets are in retrograde, and Mercury also goes retrograde on the 26th, the day before the Full Moon.

Transformation is happening in powerful ways both personally and collectively triggered by these eclipses. 

It's a time for total rebirth. 

Are you feeling it? 

During times of change it can sometimes feel intense, emotional, or chaotic. 

Unpredictable things may happen in your life and the world. 

Remember that now is the time to step into our sovereignty as conscious creators of our reality. 

We have a choice to use our power of free will to take action to manifest the world we want to be living in. 

Rather than being reactive, it is time to own our ability to be proactive. 

A helpful practice in transitional times is the use of affirmational prayer. 

Through holding yourself, the world, and others in the knowledge that all is part of divine consciousness, affirmative prayer calls forth the alignment of matter and action with the infinite potential of healing, wellbeing, peace, and transformation. 


I am love.

I am peace.

I see love, peace, and healing all around me.

I feel love, peace, and healing transforming the world.

I know that the infinite potential of divine consciousness is at play right now supporting me to fulfill my divine destiny. 

Believe in yourself, and know that you have the resources within you to overcome any obstacle, take effective action in the world, and be a force for the highest good. 

BIG changes are happening on many levels, and the old systems are crumbling. 

Now is the time for leaders and wayshowers of the new conscious paradigm to step up to support the collective through rebirthing a harmonious humanity. 

Are you ready?

Lightworkers–it's on!

The shift is happening now. 


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Contact me with any questions! 

Many blessings, 

Kara Maria Ananda

Women's Healing Arts Educator
& Transformational Leadership Mentor

Founder of Maia University
for Holistic Women's Wellness Leadership